All posts by rexmerritt

Social Surveillance

The management company operating the co-op complex where I reside installed surveillance cameras inside what had been the residents’ private purviews. The courtyards. There, we have access to pools and barbecues.

While this address has always had cameras eyeballing our parking lot, whatever occurred on the patios remained unseen. Unseen, yes, though not unremarked upon. Continue reading Social Surveillance

A Broiling Pavement Tale

Met a woman who told me a Las Vegas story. It entwined her brother, a Big Mayberry resident. He once had a productive life here. During his living he got misled then completely lost himself. That happens in this city more frequently than autumn leaves falling off trees elsewhere. Continue reading A Broiling Pavement Tale

Only Mimsies Drink Weak Beer

Is social media an enemy of America? No. Some sites are just against certain segments of Americans. Continue reading Only Mimsies Drink Weak Beer

A Grim Silly Season

Looks like the 2021 Silly Season will be vicious. Usually, these months don’t leave much behind in the way of planet-realigning events. Uh, other than the outbreak of the Great War and Martin Luther King’s appearance at the Lincoln Memorial.

Safe to assume this August will deposit avoidable death on us as it further scars American society. Continue reading A Grim Silly Season