Tag Archives: Elon Musk

Random December

This last post of 2024 could be an homage to John Dos Passos. The early Dos Passos. Before life soured him rightward into becoming a reactionary. Until then, let’s consider him a “lost generation” writer alongside Ernest Hemingway. As did Hemingway, Dos Passos also reported from Spain during its 1936-39 Civil War. There’s where the pair diverged. Before the war, Dos Passos had established solid progressive cred with his 1925 novel Manhattan Transfer. He followed that with his USA trilogy (titles published in 1930, 1932, 1936, respectively) comprised of The 42nd Parallel, 1919, and The Big Money. Throughout his USA fiction, he dropped in biographical elements and reportage. No need for fiction in 2024. Just real life that should sicken conscientious Americans. What follows has been plucked from a month of Slow Boat Media social media observations and commentary. It is who we’ve allowed ourselves to become.

December First

The “don’t know much about history” MAGA bunch should certainly have their personal safety pierced as the incoming administration arbitrarily burdens the lives of Americans below rarefied economic levels. Saw in it Cuba. Saw it in Russia. Saw it in France. All three instances had abnormal concentrations of wealth and power at the very top. That weight crushed those below until whatever constrained them burst and they could no longer be contained. The high and mighty who see the next four years as a dream come true need to know such pleasantries may wind up with heads on pikes or them standing before “committees” assembled to eagerly dispense the harshest kinds of judgments. I am still amazed that some of the ultra-wealthy among us somehow believe their riches award them special insights. As we see with increasing frequency more money simply clouds their vision and minds.

We must hope other foreign nations follow the leads of Australia and New Zealand by denying entries to odious MAGAs.

Between Pete Hegseth and RFK Jr who’s the bigger failure as a man?

More so now than ever, Americans who spend money they don’t have on items they don’t need can’t complain about inflation.

December Second

Did the short-fingered vulgarian issue Hamas a “hold my beer” challenge today?

December Third

Those in the know may ask why the following post excludes Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Unlike the pair of books referenced [The Jungle and The Grapes of Wrath], I read the above 1941 tome in college, not high school. Besides, in high school I lived among people not all that far removed from the respective subjects. That wasn’t the case years later on campus. The Jungle and The Grapes of Wrath are disturbing yet highly impressive and informative works reflecting America before it cared. We may be heading back there. Reading each title tells us from whence we’ve come. It’s always good to know where you’ve been. That way you know where you’re going.

Oooooh. Imagine my surprise. Know that already expensive house you were going to sell your soul for then afterwards buy another soul in order to have [another soul to barter which will complete the purchase]? And the mortgage rate so high it has loan sharks saying, “That’s too much!” Not going to say the desired house become [utterly] unaffordable but buyers need to ask themselves this question: “What limb don’t I need?”

Who else thinks the Afrikaner is that overly precocious child who’s yet to grow up? He’s a South African Peter Pan.

A disturbing moment in American justice will be Kash Patel becoming FBI director, not Hunter Biden’s pardon.

With the shit show that’ll explode down here on January 20th why would Canadians want to lose their identities and join the US?

With tariffs on the horizon let’s wonder how many firms will claw back from employees.

December Fifth

Callous as American for-profit health care is, I’m surprised more zips don’t grease its execs.

Today what CEO isn’t thinking about “heads on pikes”?

Anybody else noticing the incoming administration is issuing a lot of threats against citizens?

During the campaign I wrote the obvious. That should Americans be even more stupid than we were in 2016 and return the short-fingered vulgarian to the Oval Office, plans would be afoot to privatize the Veterans Administration. MAGAs found that prospect, or as I knew it, likelihood, laughable. So much so a lot of the simpleminded responded with laughing emojis. Okay. Today Hegseth took time off from abusing women and getting drunk to announce the incoming den of thieves and traitors will look to privatize the VA. Know that for-profit health care more and more Americans loathe daily? There’s a possibility those who served America will have a once grateful nation yank the health carpet we’ve promised them from under their feet.

December Sixth

If the US is ever attacked, the Chief Thief will trade for a “peace” that’ll put America at a disadvantage.

Americans are in our Second Gilded Age. Know what ended the First Gilded Age? The Progressive Era. We are so far removed from it we’ve forgotten how we’d advanced. It wasn’t seamless. And it required equal amounts of sacrifice and dedication. I wonder if our society is capable of a repeat. Those people back then were bone. We are pudding. Unfortunately, our society has become so feebleminded it’s restored robber barons. Our great-grandparents, or if you’re young enough, your great-great-grandparents, got so pushed against the wall they tossed caution, kindness, and manners. They resorted to direct methods. Which yesterday’s shooter demonstrated. If there isn’t course correction and attitude adjustment from the those believing themselves high and mighty, we may anticipate his act will just be the start.

In an ideal USA, MAGAs would get sick from drinking raw milk then be denied coverage by their health insurers.

Right-wing billionaire [bros] braying about cutting retirees’ social security and Medicare is a bad look.

The UH CEO further proves this: wealth does not make you bulletproof.

December Seventh

Is the Chief Thief paying attention to events in South Korea and Assad’s fate in Syria? In our times, either can happen here.

The short-fingered vulgarian will do his utmost to lead America into despair.

December Eighth

This time next year let’s hope the Chief Thief has relocated to Moscow beside Assad.

Once life settles in Damascus, the rebels will start releasing files of assets who assisted Assad. Tulsi will be one.

December Ninth

The man alleged to have clipped the UH CEO used a ghost gun. Gun nuts love [them] because [they’re] untraceable.

December 10th

Following Macron’s lead, more world leaders will resort to flattery and fawning to sway the scab.

With the advances science is making towards agribusiness as well as climate change increasing/lengthening growing seasons, Americans will soon be able to reduce Plains acreage under the plow yet reap equal or greater harvests. In short less necessary land requires less cultivation. Therefore, a number of those currently occupied in Plains agriculture will be rendered redundant. Fortunately, our wonderful ever-soaring metropolises may offer them outlets to grow and truly fulfill themselves. In time the fallow land will revert to much of its original state. But we won’t ignore it. Instead, we will right a grievous wrong and reintroduce the buffalo to its natural habitat. There, the indigenous peoples who wish may roam then resume their ur-practices unfettered by any Christianity they find stultifying.

December 11th

Time has named the short-fingered vulgarian its “Man of the Year.” Hitler and Stalin also received the same “honor.”

December 12th

Why do Americans allow private equity firms to buy hospitals?

December 13th

Bezos and the Zuck each ponied up a $1,000,000 towards President-elect Pay for Play’s Inauguration. That’s tip money for them. But as seen by the Queens mook it’s a significant figure. It’s the kind of money that further inflates his bloated self-esteem. Bezos and the Zuck, as are many of the [avaricious] and vain, understand the easiest way to sway the short-fingered vulgarian is either treating him obsequiously or dumping piles of cash on the table. They know he lacks qualities. Why not take advantage of someone so absolutely vacant at his core? Still, though, it is upsetting to see the nation’s next chief executive being rented so cheaply. Be assured Melania would’ve charged way more.

December 14th

True Americans need to say thanks to our northern neighbors. They’re not bothering to be polite and defer to President-elect Pay for Play. Canadians are speaking plainly to the short-fingered vulgarian. They regard his bluster for what it is. A joke. It knocks him further off balance. It diminishes him. More of us here below the 49th Parallel should’ve taken the same tact. Particularly what still passes for reputable media. The term used was “sane washing.” It made him seem palatable. Understandable perhaps for despots and royalty. Bad for elected and appointed officials who are our servants. Or have we forgotten they are our servants?

Who on earth is delusional enough to take nutrition advice from a roid monster like RFK Jr?

During the next four years Mexico will be better governed than the United States.

RFK Jr’s “health crusade” may’ve gotten a vicious deep-pockets opponent in Monsanto.

December 17th

How did Joe Rogan become a go-to for manly conduct? Where are fathers?

December 18th

It’s one thing to be threatened from outside, but to be threatened from within? During his next term of soiling the Oval Office, let’s hope the short-fingered vulgarian discovers that one-way loyalty can also be a two-way street. He’ll need some of the very same [Republlicans] he’s now putting under the gun later. More than a few will have bad memories of his needlessly pressuring them. They will act accordingly.

It’s about time for President-elect Pay for Play to enter a detente with reputable media through which he can deflate the Shadow President. While the short-fingered vulgarian could possibly feed it to Fox Kennel and Newsmax, those viewers can’t handle learning their poison idols have feet of clay. Besides, imprimaturs of truth will be further bestowed if the major networks broadcast it and esteemed (at least on the news side) newspapers print it. Apparently, the Afrikaner’s rumored fondness for Schedule One substances makes him a security risk. And if our security and intelligence agencies know it, imagine how the Russians will exploit it to the hilt.

President-elect Pay for Play has yet to comprehend that because of his considerable wealth and no compunction against using it as a cudgel, the Afrikaner has more juice than him. For a turd who dislikes being upstaged, the Queens mook may soon find himself heaved overboard.

December 19th

Seeing how the Chief Thief and the Shadow President are beavering towards a government shutdown, the sole reason must be that both wish to bankrupt the nation. We all should be aghast at their goal. It’s for the express purpose of restructuring the debt of the United States. If America was a private company bankruptcy might be an option. An unpalatable one, but an option. But the nation is not a private corporation. It is not a profit-making enterprise. There are no shareholders, just citizens. By their natures governments are not profit-making entities. Governments exist to serve the people. The idea of bankrupting the United States in order to get terms which will allow it to finagle its debts is just what a seven-times bankrupt like the 78-year-old penile implant would look favorably upon. Of course, the Afrikaner is goading him on only because precocious man-child he is, he wants to see what results such a national calamity would create and leave behind. There is no upside to government shirking its financial obligations. There is only loss in the full faith and credit of the United States.

Can’t believe Congressional Republicans are already so cowed by someone still weeks away from taking office as well as a shadow president. How could they have forgotten or forfeited who holds our nation’s purse strings? Congress does, not the incoming executive nor any loudmouthed, selfish, uncaring rich bros. The GOP will have control of both chambers during the next session. It must be asked will they be able to exert any control?

December 23rd

About two weeks ago, dumb fate favored me insofar as a sought-out movie. The title of the streamed flick was Lonelyhearts, a 1958 rendering of a stage adaption of Nathaniel West’s [novel] Miss Lonelyhearts (1933). If West is recalled at all today, it’s from his having penned The Day of the Locust (1939). He only completed four pieces of long-form literature. Each a Depression Era fable combining fantasy and woe. And maybe even surrealism. The pair of books mentioned were his best. Lonelyhearts starred Montgomery Clift and Robert Ryan. It also featured Maureen Stapleton and Myrna Loy. The divergences between West’s tale and what resulted cinematically from the stage play are major. On screen the book’s bones barely survive Eisenhower Era repressiveness. Adam White envisions himself as a reporter. He lands a newspaper job, all right, but malevolent editor William Shrike assigns him an agony aunt column. Rather than reportage, White is saddled with giving advice to the lovelorn. Six days a week. Which if you’ve ever been a journalist, is six days too many. Here is the greatest split between West’s book and the movie. The former is so caustic it’s corrosive. The latter has been so denuded of the source material’s grotesque human debasement its dilution even concludes with a happy hopeful end. Writing during the Depression, West ably captured grotesque human debasement. Long with misery. Hopelessness. There was plenty going around then. In the book the columnist shared equal anguish with his readers imploring him for guidance. Clift being jittery and jarring throughout [as White] is no substitute. Watching him, he should be beseeching such a columnist for advice rather than providing any. Then again maybe there was to have been some suggestiveness viewers should’ve grasped by such casting. The kind that couldn’t have been stated openly thanks to the decade’s mores. Ryan’s Shrike, though, is a hard stick of bitterness inflicting vengeance whenever opportunity arises. Failing that he’ll invent an opening. That is until the fade out.

December 25th

Las Vegas Christmas scene: gambler too long at table or machine visits ATM for cash. Finds card is tapped out. Ho-Ho-Ho! Oh, no!

Who else is having a good laugh at the Afrikaner possibly hindering Congress seeing any raises?

December 26th

Ford Motors execs must be laughing hysterically. All it took for them to get close to President-elect Pay for Play was a $1,000,000 cash contribution to his Inauguration and a fleet of cars. We’ve always known what he is. But whoever thought he could be gotten so cheaply?

Except for Christmas dinner, the day turned out okay. Had to settle for Chinese instead of traditional because casinos for Las Vegas locals have abolished buffets. The few alternatives are arm-and-a-leg seatings at beyond pricey Strip hotels. Leave those for the few [tourists] in town this time of year. Got to conclude the holiday with watching the Baryshnikov-Kirkland version of The Nutcracker ballet, then listening to Charles Brown croon Merry Christmas, Baby as well as Eartha Kitt sing Santa Baby. There are occasions when it’s good to escape the present and return to easier comforting times when everybody was still around. Every Christmas in Nevada has been one of those times.

December 27th

Despite the jury verdict, there are MAGAs who disbelieve President-elect Pay for Play has been convicted.

MSNBC and CNN are losing viewers to Fox Kennel. Just shows Americans prefer being deceived rather than informed.

December 29th

Jimmy Carter did not have a successful presidency. Yet he was a kind and decent man. More importantly, he did not disgrace himself. He did not disgrace his office. Nor did he disgrace our nation. The 39th President was a Christian, a true one. He did not loudly proclaim or profess his faith. He demonstrated it through deeds. How unlike his immediate successor and the country’s first 21st century president. Both were men who too many beguiled voters wrongly believed sat on the Almighty’s right side. As it increasingly affects younger generations today, Carter’s failed 1980 reelection opened the gates to the squeezing of the middle class. The Eighties’ “greed is good” ethos would not have taken root and bloomed wildly during and after a second Carter Administration. RIP.

Welcoming Vampires

In the end, what may most signify the MAGA movement is the laughing emoji.

While the lunatics who broke into and entered the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, then vandalized the premises as they attacked police there at the behest of then-President Donald Trump will always be handy loop-run video material, the laughing emoji will be MAGA’s lasting legacy for losers.

By itself the symbol is harmless. Non-threatening, not vulgar. But MAGA has appropriated it. So it’s become a neon sign for deplorables.

We can see the laughing emoji as encompassing the entirety and end results of MAGA mindlessness.

On the cusp of the Convicted First Felon’s next administration, the symbol is increasingly used when their Chief Thief veers from MAGA World rote. A lifetime liar, he can backtrack or zigzag with the greatest of ease. MAGA is incapable of such slippery pivots. He’s flexible with what passes for his truth at that moment.

Non-MAGA Americans are up to speed on this. We expect it. MAGA cultists hear what passes as the short-fingered vulgarian’s Gospel then exalt. A moment later he trips them up by reversing his “word.” Left stuck bare-assed in the open by their small Maximus, it takes MAGAs time to adjust to his switched reality and accept his new Gospel. Some never do because they just can’t. So let the laughing emoji suffice then proceed onto the next instance of his ridiculousness.

In the immediate emptyheaded days of the short-fingered vulgarian’s second jubilee, his panting followers breathlessly took braggarts’ victory waddles. Despite everything, including any measure of decency, a retrograde candidate campaigning on intolerance, ignorance, racism, and retribution won by appealing to primarily Anglos. Scared Anglos. Proudly dumb men. Vainly stupid women. Each of them weak, insecure, fearful of any future that deviates from their fat lazy beings. Afraid of futures that could cause them to adjust then maybe explore and discover new senses of themselves.

Likely better senses of themselves at that. After all, nowhere to go but up for MAGAs.

Besides swaying our majority population, the vile pig also somehow established a same regressive common ground with considerable portions of non-whites. The useless to themselves self-loathing portions.

He promised to drag every American and the country backwards. He got America to surrender the advances that have urged us all forward.

The campaigns between parties can be seen through a bizarro prism. Someone from outside the United States might never have known the two major parties vied for the same nation’s control.

One side spoke to Americans with adult rationales and reason. Its opponents topped whatever last adolescent gibberish pleased the crowd with even more outlandish gish. The latter didn’t bother being entertaining, much less make sense. It was simply more slop for the pigs. The oinkers were swallowing without tasting. Unable to truly digest what assailed them, the baying unthinking MAGA crowds favorably heard their intelligence being insulted.

Unfortunately, half of Americans have cast aside ability or desire to absorb what they need to hear. It is easier to accept strongly held notions no matter how wrong the beliefs than reverse our minds. A thing can be proven erroneous yet too many Americans prefer remaining nestled in the mistaken.

In Election 2024’s aftermath, it seemed the exaltation of Trumpery might never subside. Which of the scab’s idiots didn’t lard themselves with his My Ass Got Arrested attire? What jacked-up pickup owner didn’t have the swine’s bedsheet-sized flag flapping above his truck’s tailgate?

Thankfully for those of us who’d known better, who have been primed to announce “Told you so!” since 2016, the 78-year-old penile implant could not resist indulging his true self. And that resembles the scorpion of fable.

Aesop tells us that one day a scorpion wanted to cross a stream. There was no way for him to ford the running water. He spied a frog along the bank. The scorpion asked this frog to ferry him across to the opposite bank. Naturally the frog was reluctant. He feared the scorpion would sting him. The scorpion answered, “If I sting you as we cross, we’ll both drown.”

The sensible response mollified the frog.

He permitted the scorpion to climb onto his back and they proceeded across the stream. Halfway along their trip the frog felt a sting pierce his back. Before the venom paralyzed the frog, he asked the scorpion why had he stung him knowing it would drown them both. To that the scorpion could only reply, “It’s in my nature. I couldn’t help it.”

Shortly after the election, the scab announced proposals which will flatly inflict harm on working people, our economy as a whole, and vulnerable citizens. During the campaign these same proposals were swaddled in cotton candy. Free of the need to blithely dismiss concerns, okay, lie, released from any need to keep MAGA suckers happy and dumb, the truth about the extent of damage his plans will cause can now ooze.

The “find out phase” is almost upon us.

As usual, only the wealthy are spared. And, of course, only the wealthy will benefit.

Actually, shouldn’t the laughing emoji be the rarefied rich’s symbol? MAGA dopes resort to it because the precariousness of their self-made quicksand is starting to seep into muttonheads. By unthinkingly following the Queens mook, the glory MAGA dupes believed prevailed during “the good old days” is dissipating. It’s always somebody else’s “good old days.” Never fails. The people who lived through them then will now in honest moments admit today is better.

If there was anything good about the “good old days,” there was often some group beneath the segment being shit on from above they could in turn shit on. Certainly if they were black, Mexican, or Native American. What’s old remains constant in the United States. While the hate is nowhere near as pervasive as it once was, there are still sizable crowds of Anglos whose sole reason for taking up space and polluting air is shitting on the darker complected.

That certainly isn’t good. However, MAGA esteem building also isn’t refined.

When I hear Elon Musk and other MAGA morons gas about inflation, or when someone of an age who should really know better complains about social security’s low rate of return, the laughing emoji immediately comes to mind.

Musk, henceforth the Afrikaner, references inflation just because it’s an easy concept for his listeners to confuse. Particularly when he claims government spending creates the inflation which burdens consumers.

It’s easy for the term to drive them astray because none of them realize they themselves are what propels inflation. Or if they do, don’t want to admit they’re the problem behind their road rage.

Everybody wants a raise, right? I have yet to learn of any working person who’s declined a raise. I’m sure it’s happened. But that person likely wound up straitjacketed inside a rubber room.

Wages and salaries are inflation’s main causes. And yes, consumer goods, commodities also contribute, but mostly it’s our desire for more folding green across palms. Salaries can’t be raised without products, good, services also costing more. Look at it as items on shelves, vehicles for sale in lots, comestibles in grocery stores becoming higher priced to improve employees’ compensation.

More money must come from somewhere. No. It’s not a spiral. It’s a wheel. The rodents are always the last to know.

The Afrikaner doesn’t bother mentioning that because blaming government has never been heavy lifting. Despite most MAGAs living in reduced circumstances if it weren’t for the sustenance provided by the authorities they claim constrict them, some elected or appointed official on Planet Washington D.C. is nonetheless stifling them. Yeah. That’s how obtuse dull obese audiences with lard between their ears have become from watching Fox Kennel or Newsmax.

Moreover, it best benefits the Afrikaner and other rapacious members of the avaricious wealthy to paint government as the villain. If they keep repeating “government is bad/unfettered capitalism is good” incessantly enough, the dummies hearing this will become the flatfoot soldiers in a pasty flabby army that’ll cut their own fat throats for the rarefied in our Second Gilded Age.

Don’t laugh. As Americans have seen, contributors who are barely making ends meet are donating to causes of the rich. Or as we should see it those with the least discretionary income are paying for their own degradation.

The Afrikaner and others making themselves suitable candidates for tumbrels want to severely cut or abolish altogether safety nets, financial rules, health regulations that prevent society from being susceptible, okay, victims, to capricious profit-making. They have weighed rewards to be gained against society being degraded. If we must root around in the mud for them to amass more gold, fine, so be it. Yes. That’s how little we mean to them.

Is the above an exaggeration? Listening to the Afrikaner and to a lesser extent Vivek Ramaswamy, their calculations regarding squeezing federal expenditures in order to cannibalize America never addresses the human elements. No mention of the hordes of employees to be sacrificed to fulfill their schemes.

What happens to those suddenly cashiered people? Does anyone really expect private sector corporate America to absorb upwards to several hundred thousand suddenly at-sea jobseekers? And the way both cash-money bros bray about taking cleavers to programs which traditionally soften those crashes will further transform the dislocations into trying to survive jungle camp.

Thus far remarkable in all discussions regarding the Afrikaner’s and Vivek’s nefarious plans for federal workforce reductions is they’ve completely excised people from their calculations. Flesh and blood human beings have been rendered into mere statistics. In pencil for easier erasing. Each sees people as ore that will be milled to extract the few bits of what’s precious.

Even more numb from the neck up than MAGAs believing government alone causes inflation are those who’ve bought billionaires’ claims that social security funds should be dumped into the stock market. As they pie-in-the-sky prophesy, returns will be magnificent. Whenever Americans of certain ages hear this verbal snake oil, we know exactly why social security funds are absolutely segregated from private investiture.

Should those funds mingle in the market, and are devoured by downward market activity, there’ll be nothing to restore the lost amounts. Not one dollar. The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), the agency responsible for guaranteeing bank deposits, does not extend the same towards investments. Every investor understands the money he or she or his or her organization socks into the market could be forfeited. Indeed, behind the brilliance of great rewards lurks the specter of terrible losses.

Hence, despite low yields the shortsighted find frustrating, the reason why social security revenues don’t circulate on Wall Street. The market can sink. Social security will remain afloat.

The number who endured the Great Depression and those of us who learned from them dwindles. Time reaps each group.

The first’s diminishment is accelerating. The second simultaneously was forewarned as well as beneficiaries of the safeguards that followed. It is that latter which has kept the same sort of ravenous wolves from subsequent American generations’ doors. Today we run the risk of dismantling the mechanisms which have protected Americans, the things that have allowed us to thrive in assuredness.

Financiers and billionaires see our time ripe to lay us bare. Every day there are fewer voices who can convince elected and appointed officials why banking and market rules and regulations enacted after the Depression then further bolstered as time passed should be strengthened, not loosened. Decade after decade without threat has let money perils fade. Right now, disastrous national financial ruin is as worrisome as the denouement of an Aesop’s Fable.

Of course. We’ve been spared worry because of vigilant measures.

Billionaires and financiers have persuaded the badly informed among voters that once the cumbersome rules and regulations are removed, Americans throughout our land will enjoy an economic dynamo never seen before. That is unlikely. The “hindrances” are the only devices that keep penury and poverty at bay for countless Americans. Bankers or brokers are never first concerned for depositors or investors. They’re out to maximize shareholders’, executives’, and their own profits. If that results in accountholders left adrift or high and dry, well, how unfortunate.

Which is how it was before the advent of social security and imposition of stringent rules on financial practices. Until those acts passed, American depositors and investors were at the mercies of swindlers they had to trust. Nefarious results could and did leave tens of millions broke and destitute. Moneymen did so then because no real authority existed to brake them.

We have that oversight now. We have had it for our nation’s longest stretch of prosperity. But financiers and billionaires who are already making money hand over fist want to obtain more sets of hands and fists to accumulate even greater amounts of obscenely fabulous wealth. All at our expense.

MAGAs only hear lovely siren calls of easy money once preventative hurdles have been shoved aside. They’ve never heard, have never learned, and certainly have never lived through any privation. Which is what would befall countless Americans if the whammies of privatizing social security funds, eliminating financial sector checks, and shredding the safety net were to occur.

Earlier generations had no recourse other than gutting it out. They could never fathom comprehensive government rescue. In the almost century since the Depression, we have. Its creation has softened our lives to the point where most of us can lead our days blithely.

The rarefied rich above us don’t care if their greedy designs ruin Americans and America. To those like the Afrikaner and Vivek, President-elect Pay for Play, their sycophants, the thought has yet to and never will crease their greasy brows.

Is America one generation closer to forsaking the diligence which has retained her solvency? Are our immediate successors the ones who’ll lack enough simple native guile to protect their financial selves? Or will they be so taken in by the glittering blandishments of ruthless moguls perched at their doors they’ll allow them entry?

Like vampires. Bloodsuckers cannot enter homes to wreak damage upon any inhabitants until they’re first invited inside. Our undead cannot drain money unless the victims acquiesce.

And after MAGA is financially bled white, then asked or left to wonder how it befell them, dupes who already cannot respond to the contrary or contradictory, will resort to their standby, the signal which indicates self-awareness of having been had, of having been left in the lurch, of having been hung out to dry … the laughing emoji.