Dispiriting the Right

At the end of the last post, Strength Through Fear, I mentioned a prevailing thought among a certain kind of MAGA man. The low slouching kind, one who drools and whose knuckles scrape ground.

That poor dope thinks that for a woman to have exceled, to have reached prominence, she needed to have slept her way to the height.

Such insults every woman and offends any male who knows better but also knows he may be grouped among the belly scratchers. There’s a rumor circulating we all act alike.

During Election 2024 I’ve come across no shortage of MAGA males on social media falsely advertising themselves as “men.” These guys march or imagine themselves marching in the movement’s Bund/neo-Nazi/klan ranks. They believe projecting obvious weakness shows strength. This from the same sort of grunters and belchers who won’t ask for directions or buy a GPS.

Their open antipathy for Vice President Kamala Harris is more than genetic. It must be a mutated strand. Oh, probably on MAGAs’ 24th one. It’s the same defect that lets MAGAs ignore that unstable Donald Trump is crazy like a rabid fox in knowing how to play them for chumps.

What’s clearly obvious is the Chief Thief only cares for himself. He’s never believed in anything bigger than himself. He lacks every and any beneficial quality which might make him a man worthy of our society.
The short-fingered vulgarian is plainly a man without qualities.

The 78-year-old criminal despised John McCain. Okay, not just the late Arizona senator, but any man or woman who served and was willing to sacrifice him or herself for the United States. As the vile pig has consistently proven, that notion sits far beyond him. And its absence defines him. It balloons the hollow spot in his core being.

That alone makes Bad Vlad’s punk supremely unfit to lead Americans. Yet the deplorables on his stinking garbage train have developed an enormous blind spot in this regard. One that could be fatal to the nation if he reenters the Oval Office. As the Convicted First Felon has shown, he will put himself before the country. Given a chance, he will repeat this.

There’s nothing Fat Puppy can buy, borrow, steal, or sell which will fill that huge void in his miserable character. Nothing.

Anyway, when I hear two-legged MAGA pigs disparage the vice president’s ascent, I always let them have their say. Afterwards, self-satisfied with their stupidity, and when offered the chance, I ask them this: “Do you have sisters? Do you have daughters?”

Clear as it is to where I’m leading, I’ve yet to meet a MAGA man who sees the path but has no idea where it ends.

Then I let out a little more line.

Invariably one or the other has a sister, sisters, a daughter, daughters. That established, I ask whether any hold prominent positions or seeks one. Some are bosses. Others are managers or supervisors. The younger women in question have aspirations to attain high positions.

That’s good.

The follow up question is so obvious I’m surprised/disappointed all have failed anticipating it. I ask them if they think that’s how their sister or daughter made the climb? By flatbacking?

When these queries are made in person, there should be cameras recording the erupting indignancies. After all, a “frail female” is kinda being besmirched and this through questionable inference. But ire only goes so far. I don’t need a gun to stand my ground. Two fists will suffice. Always nice when the other side recognizes this.

Challenged face-to-face such men can see how indefensible their low-qualities beliefs in other highly achieving women are. Indeed, there may have been nuggets of contrary suspicion buried deep in their minds. Distance kept these safely out of sight.

Yet all it often takes is a casual almost verging on offhand mention, a merely unsupported possibility a female acquaintance may owe her title, the prestige accompanying it, to slutting around, which shakes the castle’s foundations. The proximity is uncomfortable. Not just close, but skintight.

Social media, however, lends respondents courage. Vicious courage. Anonymous correspondents typing over distance allows them to send harangues larded with threats and curses. And wouldn’t you know, none of the rages are ever clever. Just defensive. Defensiveness is the other side’s default mode.

Again, certainly with remote correspondents. At least those personally engaged managed retaining filters keeping their tongues somewhat civil. Online, though, few fulminating cretins waste no keystrokes nosediving into derangement.

Not a strategy that vindicates, is it?

When MAGA’s boldness is smashed, dismay fills the crater. Always.

In person, there’s no conceivable manner in which another’s female relative(s) could’ve fucked or sucked her (their) way upward. My key is never reply quickly. As that noted Boston wardheeler Martin Lomasney would’ve advised, “A look will do.”

I insinuate as much as possible through perhaps skeptical gazes. This is enough to make any respondent do what they sought to avoid. And that is think. The seed is planted. It gets watered in these minds. There in right-wing manure-enriched loam it germinates.

In these situations, without fail any woman I’ve indirectly placed into crosshairs gradually gets seen through different angles. All the known pasts, all the bad extrapolations, unfavorable hearsay, either create what never existed or magnify what might could be. Imagined or real, that stuff floods the fore of insecure husbands, brothers, and sons.

Is there any more satisfying transformation to watch than some guy faking Burt Lancaster poise suddenly becoming as distraught as a weak sister? A criminally weak sister.

No one wants to believe worst of any sister or daughter. But after MAGA’s slagging a woman like Kamala Harris, someone the deplorables know is truly competent and qualified for the Presidency, perhaps others know on intimate bases women who’ve risen. Ones who may not be so pristine after all. It’s the last which infuriates the most.

It’s the last which saw opens the floor around the disparagers that occasion Wile E. Coyote-like plummets. The realization the very woman held in sure esteem could just be as unfavorably regarded must be difficult maneuvering for MAGAs, helpless dupes not known for much mental agility.

Since MAGA men lack critical thinking skills, let’s perform the mental lifting for them. Let’s answer why they of the ridiculous weapons openly carried and waved around like the appendage Nature shorted them are frightened. Inexorably, America will improve through becoming a country more inclusive and less hostile to the new. Real Americans see greater strength and resilience in this kind of mix.

And we are right.

MAGA men see themselves as losing “their” place. Newsflash to them – just because some boss man above them said a certain spot was theirs doesn’t mean it ever was. That was just to keep their piddling asses in line. That was just to give them license to exhaust their failures on any strivers kept below them.

Man! The likelihood of losing that. I wonder if it will hurt them.

Let’s stay on the MAGA fear factor. The loaded for bear while hunting butterflies gang is also possessed by this existential worry: those they did lifetime dirt against will, upon gaining the upper hand, visit the same upon them. It’s one thing to behave insensitively against others if such behavior lacks a counterview. That’s not ignorance. That’s just all one knows.

However, MAGAs are well aware of our nation’s diversity. Few Americans read off the same page from the same book at the same time. Too many of our reprehensible fellow Americans are quite displeased the country’s majority don’t share their traits or somehow don’t toe their same line. As if we all should have the same desires and goals, to be chained to the same strictures, as well as expect those living, seeing and wanting to be different to adhere to these.

The senile scab leading them astray speaks aloud what they wrongly think. Big parts of them know these calumnies ought not be honored, much less promoted. Yet the hate, the narrowmindedness, the refusal to yield and accede to the now infuses their willful blindness and wanton stubbornness.

This attitude lets them willingly chain themselves to staying behind.

If American voters stupidly let the short-fingered vulgarian regain the Oval Office to resume his soiling of it, MAGA hopes he will thwart the tide of progress. At least for a while longer.

Oh, ye of such ignoble faith …

MAGA knows, though it won’t admit such, it has been wrong to oppress and repress “others.” … Them. The truly guilty always worry about retribution no matter how justly deserved.

With this bunch it’ll never be about atonement.