Project 2025 is a plan that intends degrading Americans’ lives. Project 2025 is a horrible phantasmagoria. It has been concocted by the Heritage Foundation, an organization dead-set on turning back the clock to a time when it was believed the United States was solely a white man’s land.
Don’t doubt this screed also didn’t benefit from malignant contributions from every selfish, intolerant, greedy, twisted clergy, conservative group in our nation.
The contents of the fetid stew concocted by the Heritage Foundation that is Project 2025 are contrary to America. Therefore, the substandard among us will adore it.
By now, a good portion of Americans have learned of the plan’s more odious and onerous prescriptions. The worst bury women in a servility where weak insecure men intimidated by knowing independent women can feel safe and strong. Adding to that, people who lead unconventional or untraditional lives will be expected forfeit those “deviances” and comport themselves into “acceptability.”
Indeed, Project 2025 demands every stride forward American life has achieved must be reversed. One general instance the plan promotes is having every American below the high and mighty sacrifice his or her individuality for the comfort of absolute strangers.
The “outliers’” feelings will be immaterial. “The elect,” the Heritage Foundation self-anointed who proclaim knowing us better than we know ourselves, will determine our conduct, opinions, who we project into their narrowing norm.
As the Election 2024 campaign proceeds, Project 2025, the way it’ll seek to debase Americans’ lives, must become wider known.
However, as malevolent as the whole manifesto is, three specifics pulled my hair.
One. Public schools. The Heritage Foundation’s mania for defunding, okay, starving, public schools becomes urgent. In Project 2025, those agencies responsible for students across the nation are not only allocated lower operating funds but through this are gradually eliminated. Through this intellect and inquiry will severely diminish, if not altogether vanish. That’ll only leave rote, which is the straight road to unquestioning obedience.
Another thing about Project 2025’s dissolving of public education, probably its most nefarious aspect, public school students will be obliged to take courses which instill military discipline. No. That is not a good thing.
First, because children of the Heritage Foundation’s elect will be exempt from such regimens. Children of the two-percenters will learn how to give orders from afar. They’ll know nothing about possible sacrifice for the nation. They won’t bleed. Second, it’s an insidious measure to prepare future Americans to become praetorians. Here and abroad.
It will be baby steps for the methods praetorians use elsewhere to be applied against the domestic population. Us.
Two. Overtime. If you’re not a salaried worker, but full-time hourly, there come occasions when the job requires your toil to cross the usual thresholds. Hence, overtime pay. Project 2025 looks to abolish this salt lick for every man and woman working full-time hourly schedules.
The thing about overtime is few want to want work overtime. Those of us who’ve had jobs that paid on hourly bases, have always wanted to crush accustomed at-toil hours then head beyond employers’ premises to start living again. Unless, of course, you need the extra hours. In that case, you’re looking to eat overtime like potato chips and peanuts.
Overtime pay is probably one of the finest and smartest concessions management ever extended its rank and file. Yes, the bosses will get their production. In return, and justly, those who produce the profits will get extra compensation for the extra hours asked. After all, let’s say the agreement was to work for 40 hours. Why shouldn’t any additional hours afterwards be sweetened?
In America, when hasn’t money been an incentive?
What Project 2025 proposes is eliminating overtime pay. A worker has agreed to x hours of toil. The boss needs n hours more. Swell. Time and a half for the extra hours. Project 2025 seeks ending the motivation that’ll make disrupting workers’ lives and plans somewhat palatable.
The Heritage Foundation presumes working people should be grateful to be employed. That they’ll bolster production at their own personal loss. This without getting their beaks wet. Which is what overtime is all about.
And in a consumer society such as ours, who doesn’t find it beneficial for more people to have more money? Or as people who know something say, “Money is like manure. It works best when it’s spread around.”
Three. The FDIC. An acronym federal agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation lets most Americans possessing bank accounts sleep easier. Depression Era legislation and the bureau it created guarantees if chiseling, coke addled, hooker hungry bankers somehow misappropriate depositor accounts those funds will be recoverable up to a certain amount.
How do Americans benefit from the FDIC? Until the Depression if a bank went under depositor funds vanished alongside it. This happened with a frequency 21st century financiers just don’t wish to discuss.
These past crashes ruined countless lives throughout American history. Not only was no one accountable, but savings were gone. At least with FDIC coverage, whatever the maximum amount insured can be regained.
Not only does Project 2025 seek to reduce the recoverable limit and hobble the FDIC, it also hopes to weaken banking rules and regulations.
Know why America didn’t have a financial calamity after 1929 until 2008? Stringent banking rules and regulations. Both of which were gradually diluted starting under Ronald Reagan’s insistence.
Funny. The Gipper came of age during the Depression. If he didn’t personally experience abject financial misery, that fucker certainly knew of people who did. Given his background, one might’ve thought he’d have close understanding of unleashed banking’s perils.
Under post-Depression guidelines, the ones that kept American depositors safe and solvent, the three-card monte banks and investment houses increasingly practiced by 2008 wouldn’t have been allowed. But deregulation – is that still considered heaven sent? – opened the gates to fiduciary chicanery. By 2008, manipulations that never would’ve been committed two decades earlier found fertile fields in which to sprout.
The Heritage Foundation wants further financial deregulation. It also wants to abolish social security. It wants those funds sunk into the stock market. Project 2025 want social security funds invested in the stock market so bad, its Republican handmaidens are jonesing at the prospect.
The dim luminaries are mesmerized by rewards. They ignore the risks.
Know why that’s a horrible idea? Okay, yeah, the market is currently blooming as it never has before. Fine. But that’s now. There will be declines. Bulls will become bears. Future drop-offs may not be too severe, one hopes, but valleys will be entered. In fact, what’s been invested may disappear altogether. It’s an inherent misfortune in being an investor.
Yet those with money in the market are aware of such possible consequences. Knowing this, we are willing to take chances with those funds.
On the other hand, social security payments serve as backstops. Behind them is nothing but financial abyss.
If social security funds are dumped into the market and values decline, so will yields. Yes, social security doesn’t provide the most lucrative returns. But they are steady and assured. Stuffed with social security funds, a market decline deep enough over a long enough period of time will create steep and wide invented hardship.
The ultra-right ideologues fronting Project 2025 insist market discipline will prevent future banking and investing disasters.
Yes, the Heritage Foundation monsters who cobbled together Project 2025 actually used the term “market discipline.” After getting over my disbelief, I had a good laugh. There is no such animal as “market discipline.” Only government rules and regulations keep the money guys within their lanes. Only those provide “market discipline.” And here’s Project 2025 looking to let the river jump its banks.
If we allow that river to overflow, a great many Americans may drown.