Too bad the ancients never divined movies. That way the celluloid art could take its rightful place among the other nine Muses. Instead if old enough in the eyes and opinions of the young and callow, films of certain vintages do not share wine’s ability to age well. Continue reading Persuasion at 24 Frames a Second
White Panic!
Whoever stuck the “Meinpage” or “Mein Space” handle on the right-wing social media refuge/platform Parler is a genius. As for “Parler” itself, what? Pout was taken?
Our Covid-19 nightmare vexes us. Perhaps if Donald Trump in his ultimate pique against America hadn’t dismantled the apparatus established by Bill Clinton, then improved upon by George W. Bush, then these further bolstered through Barack Obama, the United States’ situation wouldn’t be so dire. Continue reading Real Horrors From now until Halloween night fright film fans ought to be in their peculiar heaven. Continue reading Nightmares in Black & White Oh! Were that it the Mob still had a Las Vegas presence! Recent events here in what’s become the Big Mayberry have old-timers hankering for the dese and dose guys. “The boys.” Continue reading Word of Mouth Nothing like squeezing some spleen to make the blood gush. Facebook is becoming worthless. It is a compromised entity. One that finds no problem letting reactionaries summon followers. But let true Americans respond to the menace facing our nation and suddenly community standards are insisted upon. Good Americans need to ask Is Facebook our enemy? Continue reading Calling Out Contemptibles September may start a long-lasting hellish stretch for tens of thousands of Las Vegas area residents. Particularly renters, and to lesser extents homeowners carrying mortgages. Continue reading Dry Deluge Know who’s beyond hubris? Donald Trump. Continue reading An Eternity with Salt It’s summer. Time to fire up the theremin. Continue reading Places Between Spaces The more and more we see certain segments of Anglo America convulse, the more and more we may hear Blancmange’s Blind Vision as its anthem. We all do know that anxiety-throttled whites and less than conscientious law enforcement officials understand the supremacy they conferred upon themselves is in its end phase, right? Now that planet receives instantaneous videos from clashes instead of easily disputed eyewitness statements, more of mainstream America is being jolted into awareness of its complicity in repression against other Americans. Doesn’t that sort of knock for a loop our nationally promulgated belief in our own self-righteousness? Why, yes it does. Can’t have that tarnishing our silver-lining, can we? Continue reading White Riot! Real Horrors
Nightmares in Black & White
Word of Mouth
Calling Out Contemptibles
Dry Deluge
An Eternity with Salt
Places Between Spaces
White Riot!